Product Photography & Food Styling
The Challenge
When launching a new product, it’s important to get the word out. This is especially true when it comes to food companies and new flavors. Serious Bean Co. recently collaborated with Dude Perfect to introduce Jalapeno & Bacon flavored Beans. Serious Bean Co. was in need of delicious looking photography to help promote the new flavor via social media, website and e-mail marketing.
The Solution
Serious Bean Co. asked Lundmark to prepare, style and photograph two recipes showcasing the beans – Jalapeno & Bacon Bean Turkey Chili and Jalapeno & Bacon Bean Shepherd’s Pie. The first step was to develop a shot list and storyboard illustrating how each shot would be propped and styled. Next was preparing each recipe to make sure they were ready for their big roles! Last was propping, styling, lighting and shooting each recipe from multiple angles to make sure we had the best and most appetizing photography!
The Result
The final photography drew rave reviews. After each recipe was shared via multiple digital channels, consumers engaged with the brand and the Dude Perfect Jalapeno & Bacon flavored Beans saw a lift in sales.