Frank Black Pipe & Supply website shown on various screen devices for responsive design.
Frank Black Pipe & Supply logo

Website Design & Development

The Challenge

Following a successful brand refresh conducted by Lundmark, Frank Black Pipe & Supply Co. requested Lundmark turn their attention to the client’s out-of-date website. The current site failed to showcase their exceptional products and services in a professional manner, lacked responsiveness on various device sizes, and posed a significant challenge for the staff to update regularly.

The Solution

Lundmark facilitated a strategy planning session to review the website’s purpose, design aesthetic, and important content categories to feature on the new site. Using the client’s feedback, multiple design concepts were presented. The selected option was developed into a user-friendly website featuring their newly refreshed brand. To further enhance the website’s presence, high impact photography was included to vividly illustrate the offerings, as well as personify their culture and team.

The Result

The newly designed website was structured to present content in a logical and intuitive manner in order to provide a seamless user experience. Analytics were integrated into the site to establish a baseline of key metrics to monitor moving forward. Lundmark also designed a user-friendly backend dashboard to allow Frank Black staff to make ongoing updates and maintenance.

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